Auditing Excel Spreadsheets

An Introduction course for those that wish to audit spreadsheets

Course Summary

Many companies around the globe rely on Spreadsheets to help produce financial information, forecasts, pricing, and costings, and to aid in the decisions made by management. Simply put, spreadsheets are used everywhere. But at what risk to the company or organization?


Auditing Excel Spreadsheets is not for everyone, but for those with a keen interest in Excel, Fraud, Auditing or Compliance then then course is for you.


We will first cover some theory on Spreadsheets Risks and discuss some controls that you can introduce to reduce these risks. Following this will be more theory, this time covering a detailed overview of the types of Spreadsheet Fraud. With the theory finished for the moment, we will jump into Excel and look at the following tools and techniques: GOTO Special, Auditing Tools and Excel’s Inquire function. GOTO Special Function has been around for a long time in Excel and quickly allows you select cells in a worksheet based on set criteria. You will have a workbook to download so that you can practice and master this technique yourself. We will also quickly look at the Auditing Tools, which have also been available in Excel for some time. Introduced in MS Excel 2013, Excel Inquire is new. It enables you quickly identify and select areas of risk or interest in a workbook, map workbook relationships and compare two versions of a workbook. Using the workbook provided you can learn to quickly master this tool. We will have a quick look at Microsoft Discovery and Risk Assessment Server which allows you search for all Excel files on your server, and rank them according to risk. Risk levels are based on Materiality and complexity criteria that you set. After this we will look at Spreadsheet protection and how this protection may be hacked, and before we wrap up, we will look

Who Should Attend?
This course is suited to those with an interest in Excel, Fraud and Audit and is well suited for Accountants, Auditors, Internal Auditors, Business Analysts, Finance staff, Banking staff, Management and those involved with Compliance and Risk assessment

  • This course is meant for those involved in the Audit of Spreadsheets, and also those with interests in the areas of Excel and Fraud
  • This course is not a traditional functions and formulas based course but instead this course covers theory on Spreadsheet risks and controls along with Theory on Spreadsheet fraud
  • After the theory, we will then jump into Excel and have a look at the tools available to audit spreadsheets
  • This course is suited to those with an interest in Excel, Fraud and Audit and is well suited for Accountants, Auditors, Internal Auditors, Business Analysts, Finance staff, Banking staff, Management and those involved with Compliance and Risk assessment
  • This course is not for you if you are looking to learn advanced Excels formula

  • What’s included?

    Instruction by an expert
    12 months access 24/7
    Certificate of completion

    How long will it take and how much does it cost?

    Completion Time 2 Hours

    Course Curriculum

    Paula Guilfoyle

    After over 10 years in Accounting and Operations Paula turned her career to subject matter expert, consultant, content creation and online education. In 2010 Paula began teaching online and can now boast over 250K students in 186 different countries. In 2016 Paula began her learning journey around Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. By 2022 Paula pivoted her consultancy, content creation and online education to focus on Blockchain, Web3 and Digital Assets.

    John Smith


    Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

    Course Pricing

    One time payment


    • One time payment with 365 days access