Master DAX Fundamentals : Power BI & Power Pivot

The Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Modeling with DAX for Power BI, Power Pivot and Analysis Services

Course Summary


Data Analysis made easy with Data Analysis eXpressions. DAX can be used in Power BI, Power Pivot and Analysis Services.

Analyse your data with in Power BI, Excels Power Pivot and Analysis Services with Data Analysis eXpressions.

This is a hands on course

Course Overview

In the first section of this course you will be introduced to the use of the most common DAX expressions, such as SUM and SUMX, COUNT, ROUND, DIVIDE, MIN, MAX, IF Statements, TEXT expressions, Variables and More

In the next section of this course you will learn the fundamentals of how DAX works. This section will include both theory and examples and it is of utmost importance that you understand how DAX works. We will discuss Row context and Filter context, ALL, FILTER, RELATEDTABLE, CALCULATE, EARLIER, Relationships and much more.

In the third section of this course you will learn about Time Intelligence and Date Tables. We will look at expressions such as TOTALYTD, SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, DATESADD, DATESBETWEEN, CALENDERAUTO, and we will explore how many of these functions work using CALCULATE

Each section of this course contains Activities to complete. These Activities are of utmost importance. When it comes to learning DAX, practice is a must.
Who is the target audience?
  • Analysis Services Users
  • Power BI Users
  • Excels Power Pivot Users
  • Those that need to model data using SSAS, Power BI or Power Pivot
  • Data Analyst, Finance and Accounting Staff, Marketing Professionals, Business Managers and all those involved with reporting
  • This course is NOT for you if you are already comfortable working with basic and intermediate level DAX

Course Curriculum

Paula Guilfoyle

After over 10 years in Accounting and Operations Paula turned her career to subject matter expert, consultant, content creation and online education. In 2010 Paula began teaching online and can now boast over 250K students in 186 different countries. In 2016 Paula began her learning journey around Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. By 2022 Paula pivoted her consultancy, content creation and online education to focus on Blockchain, Web3 and Digital Assets.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

Course Pricing

One time payment


  • One time payment with life time access